SIS Course


In an increasingly multidisciplinary engineering environment, and in the face of ever increasing system complexity, there is a growing need for all engineers and technicians involved in process engineering to be aware of the implications of designing and operating safety-related systems.

Safety instrumented systems (SIS) are used to provide safe control functions for processes, e.g. emergency shutdown (ESD), fire detection and blowdown functions. SIS typically are composed of sensors, logic solvers and final control elements.

The Course has been developed to provide an overview of current industry standards on SIS, functional safety concepts and current tools used to determine safety integrity levels while applying industry recognised techniques and methodologies.


As a professional involved with functional safety, the participant’s ability to demonstrate competency in this subject is taking on greater importance and is being driven by standards such as IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

Course Outline
  • Background on Functional Safety
  • Regulations and Safety standards
  • IEC 61508 and IEC 61511
  • Management of Functional Safety
  • Safety Lifecycle phases and planning
  • Hazard and risk analysis
  • Target SIL determination methods
  • Safety requirement specification
  • Operations, maintenance and modifications
Laboratory Exercise
  • Regulations and Safety standards
Recommended Prerequisite

Knowledge in Automation and experience in the field of functional safety.

What would you get?

Certificate, USB Flash-drive containing training material, Notebook, Documentation, Lunch and refreshment

Who should attend?

This training is targeted to control, instrumentation and application engineers who will be involved in executing safety instrumented system projects covering any phase of the safety lifecycle from hazard and risk assessment, through engineering and design to operations and maintenance.


5 Days

Course Materials

Course note set with slides from course modules

Course Agenda

Safety Instrumented System

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