Our Project Experiences

PT SCADA Prima Cipta has extensive experience supporting companies across various industries. We have assisted businesses ranging from oil and gas to food and beverage manufacturing. Our expertise lies in Industrial Automation, System Integration, Information and Communication Technology, as well as Maintenance and Reliability.

We specialize in various applications, including SCADA Systems, Automation Services, Energy Management Systems, Production Data Management, Pipeline Management Systems, Engineering Design, Reliability Systems, RBI/RCM/RAM, CMMS (SAP and Oracle EAM), Alarm Management Systems, Safety Systems, and Machine Learning for Industrial Applications.

PT SCADA Prima Cipta has been helping companies solve a wide range of problems for over 23 years. We are committed to continuously supporting businesses in the fields of Automation & SCADA System, Information Communication & Technology, Maintenance & Reliability, and Training, delivering the best services and products.

All | Scada and Automation | Production Data Management System | Maintenance, Safety and Risk Management | Pipeline Management System (PMS) | Energy Design and Study | Maintenance Service | Integrated Security | Energy Monitoring and Assessment | Custom Solution, IT, and Application Development | Noise Study
YearProject DescriptionBusiness CategoryClient/End User
2001Field Data Capture (FDC) Phase I and IIProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2002HMI Application Conversion ModificationScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2002PCS/PCN EnhancementScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2002Field Data Capture (FDC) Maintenance Support & Upgrade ServiceProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2002Database ExchangeProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2002Field Data Capture (FDC) Phase IIIProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003PCS System Modification Block-B Subsea DevelopmentScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Interfacing Preparendness for MSI V O-VMS at Belida and Hang TuahScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003HangTuah Enhanced VO-VMS InterfacingScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003MCS-PCS Modbus Verify and TestScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Interfacing BBFE to HangTuah PCSScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Hang Tuah PCS/PCN Trending & Fault Tolerance ProjectScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Lifting and Well Monitoring – GSP SoftwareProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003FDC Modification for BBFEProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003FDC Monitoring Equipment Running HoursProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Capturing Block-B Oil Downtime Metric and Gas PhysicalProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003FDC Pseudo Metering and Its Automation for Kijing/Keong/Tembang and Belida WellsProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Field Data Capture (FDC) Phase I and IIProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003Interfacing Preparedness of MSI Virtual Operator and Virtual Metering at Belida and Hang TuahProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2003HangTuah Enhanced Vo-vms (Virtual Operator-virtual Metering System) InterfacingProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2004Interfacing PLC to Vibration Monitoring SystemScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2004MPCIS Extend (Quality System Integration)Scada and Automation SystemPT. BAT Indonesia
2004Upgrading of Computer Control Unit for Pilot Plants CatalystScada and Automation SystemPT. Pertamina (Persero)
2004Telemetry SystemScada and Automation SystemPT. Bukaka Teknik Utama
2004HangTuah PCS EnhancementScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2004Design & Development Color Analyzer for PhonskaScada and Automation SystemPT. Petrokimia Gresik
2004FDC Allocation Engine Modification and Well Addition Phase IProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2004Field Data Capture (FDC) Maintenance Support & UpgradeProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2004Engineering Documentation, Manual and Procedure of Process Control and Production Database ManagementProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2004Manufacture Process Control & Information System (MPCIS) GSP Software Block-AProduction Data Management SystemPT. BAT Indonesia
2004Lifting and Well Monitoring (Extend License)Production Data Management SystemPT. Surveyor Indonesia
2004Audit Information TechnologyCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT. Pertamina (Persero)
2005MPCIS Maintenance ContractScada and Automation SystemPT. BAT Indonesia
2005PCS/PCN and Historian Database Maintenance ServiceScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2005IS Maintenance Support ServicesProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2006SSS HangTuah UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2006Production Database Management SystemProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2006Engineering Documentation Services ProjectProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2006Energy Monitoring SystemEnergy Monitoring and AssessmentHotel Inna Garuda Yogyakarta
2006 – 2007Production and Operation Application Support ServicesProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2007Online Realtime Monitoring of Oil and Gas Volume LiftingScada and Automation SystemDitjen Migas
2007Blanket Contract for Specialty Studies, Research and Integrity AssessmentEnergy Design and StudyConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2007Risk Based Inspection and Supporting StudiesMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2007Energy Monitoring SystemEnergy Monitoring and AssessmentPT. Lucky Abadi
2007 – 2008Automation Engineering Blanket Call-Out ServiceScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008Jasa Pembuatan Plant Fuel Cell Instrumentation and Automation SystemScada and Automation SystemLemigas
2008SCADA Risk AsessmentScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008Intan Metering System AssesmentScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008FDC.NET Annual Software MaintenanceProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008Bridging PDMAR Support Services And UpgradesProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008Production Data Management AllocationProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008Report Blanket ServicesProduction Data Management SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2008Technical Assistant Upgrading SCADA Jawa BaratEnergy Design and StudyPT. Pertamina Gas
2008Noise Mapping and SoftwareEnergy Design and StudyTotal Indonesie
2008Design and Layout of Integrated Operation RoomEnergy Design and StudyPT. Medco Energy
2008Power Quality ManagementEnergy Monitoring and AssessmentPT. Sanbe Farma
2008 – 2009IT Maintenance ServiceCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT. BAT Indonesia
2009Wonderware Integrator for Gas EngineScada and Automation SystemPT. Gresik Gases Indonesia
2009Gases Gas Engine HMI Development and ModificationScada and Automation SystemPT. Gresik Gases Indonesia
2009Jasa Service Design RTOC Room LayoutEnergy Design and StudyPT. Medco Energy
2009Jasa Service Perform Cost Bene?t Analysis In Realtime OperationEnergy Design and StudyPT. Medco Energy
2009Jasa Service Speci?cation of Required in Control Center Physical Availibilty DataEnergy Design and StudyPT. Medco Energy
2009Jasa Service 3D Vizualization of Required Furnitured in OperationEnergy Design and StudyPT. Medco Energy
2009Noise Study and SurveyEnergy Design and StudyPT. Inti Karya Persada Teknik
2009Pembuatan Gas Transporter Data Analysis Reporting System (GTDARS)Pipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Pertamina Gas
2009 – 2010Control Real Time System Blanket ServicesScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2010Additional Update for Wonderware Integration for Gas EngineScada and Automation SystemPT. Gresik Gases Indonesia
2010Pemindahan dan Backup System Production Data ManagementProduction Data Management SystemBentoel Indonesia
2010Pengembangan Sistem Elektronik Bahan BakuCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentBPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan)
2010Pengadaan Sistem Antrian Elektronik Berbasis KomputerCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentBPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan)
2010Peningkatan Sistem Elektronik TerintegrasiCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentBPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan)
2010Penyempurnaan Online SistemCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentBPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan)
2010Penyusunan Manual Book of Software RegistrationCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentBPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan)
2010Pembuatan Sistem Elektronik dan Online Sistem Pendaftaran ObatCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentBPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat-obatan dan Makanan)
2011Wonderware PCN ComplianceScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2011PG&T Scada Master Maintenance and EnhancementScada and Automation SystemPT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
2011Engineering Services for Instrumentation and Automation SystemScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2011Data Communication Security SystemScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2011Hang Tuah Historian Industrial SQL ReconfigureScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2011PCC Automation System MaintenanceScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2011Rebuild and Upgrade Metering Supervisory ComputerScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2011OPC System and Dewpoint Upgrade – Natuna Sea Block AScada and Automation SystemPremier Oil
2011Migration ICS 02.53 at Cooling Water Train G-H Control Room Utility IIScada and Automation SystemPT. Badak NGL
2011Integrated Production Reporting SystemProduction Data Management SystemStar Energy (Kakap) Ltd, PT
2011Program Pengumpulan Data Pra Implementasi Sistem Operasi TerpaduProduction Data Management SystemBPMIGAS
2011Project Management Consultancy Implementasi Gas Management System & Pipeline Management System (PMC)Energy Design and StudyPT. Pertamina Gas
2011Feasibility Study Retro?t DCS Unit 2 PLTP Gunung SalakEnergy Design and StudyPT. Indonesia Power UBP Kamojang
2011Improve Gap of Procedure and People PerformanceEnergy Design and StudyPT. Badak NGL
2011Instruments Reliability AssessmentMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT. Badak NGL
2012PI Osisoft Annual and Upgrade Fee OsisoftScada and Automation SystemPT. Polyfin Canggih
2012SSS Hang Tuah UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2012Hang Tuah PCS UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2012Retrofit Yokogawa Centum ICS to WW In TouchScada and Automation SystemPT. Badak NGL
2012Konsultasi Turn Around CO2 Removal Plant CilamayaEnergy Design and StudyPT. Pertamina EP Field Subang
2012Review Equipment Criticalty RatingMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT. Badak NGL
2012West Natuna Transportation Systems Linepack Allocation ModelPipeline Management System (PMS)ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2013HMI Metering for Flowcomp UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2013PG&T Scada Master Maintenance and EnhancementScada and Automation SystemPT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia
2013Sembilang Reactivation Plan Conceptual Study – Pre FEEDEnergy Design and StudyPT Mandiri Panca Usaha
2013Studi Pembangunan Jaringan Transmisi Pipa Gas Di Wilayah Sumatera Selatan – Jambi untuk Interkoneksi Lapangan Gas ke Pabrik PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja PalembangEnergy Design and StudyPT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang
2013Studi Kelayakan Security Master PlanIntegrated SecurityPT. Badak NGL
2013-2014Studi Kelayakan dan Pengembangan Security Master Plan (SMP) Serta Implementasi Perbaikan dan Peningkatan Performa Sistem SMP Tahap-1Energy Design and StudyBadak NGL
2014PIMS Maintenance & TroubleshootingScada and Automation SystemPremier Oil
2014Engineering and Maintenance Services of Instrumentation and Automation SystemScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2014Belida TM RevampingScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2014Sistem Operasi Terpadu–Prototyping PRODML, WITSML, dan PPDM Data Mapping 2014Production Data Management SystemSKK Migas
2014Sistem Operasi Terpadu–Pemetaan Data KKKS Dalam PRODML dan WITSMLProduction Data Management SystemSKK Migas
2014Field Data Capture Implementation and MaintenanceProduction Data Management SystemPT. Mubadala Petroleum Indonesia
2014Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Development and Implementation ServicesMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementStarEnergy (KAKAP) Ltd, PT.
2014Implementation of Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Study Interfacing with Jambi Merang’s SAP – PM ModuleMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementJOB Pertamina – Talisman Jambi Merang
2014Implementation of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Study Interfacing with Jambi Merang’s SAP – PM ModuleMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementJOB Pertamina – Talisman Jambi Merang
2014UTI (Ullage Temperature Interface) CalibrationMaintenance ServiceConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2014Maintenance service for Metering BelanakMaintenance ServiceConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2014Maintenance service for FCI BelidaMaintenance ServiceConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2014Kajian Analisa Pengendalian Unaccounted Gas Allocation (UAG)Pipeline Management System (PMS)PGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2014Pekerjaan Jasa Konsultansi Kajian Strategi Intelligent Pigging Terhadap Jalur Pipa O?shore SSWJ dan Penentuan Jadwal Berdasarkan Analisa Resiko dan KeekonomianPipeline Management System (PMS)PGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2014KAKAP FIELD Flow Assurance AssessmentPipeline Management System (PMS)Star Energy (KAKAP) Ltd.
2014Energy Monitoring SystemEnergy Monitoring and AssessmentPT. Kalbe Morinaga Indonesia
2014Implementasi SMP (Security Master Plan) Tahap 1Integrated SecurityPT. Badak NGL
2014CCTV Maintenance Service for Belanak CraneIntegrated SecurityKMG – Conoco Phillips Indonesia
2015Grissik Metering UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2015PHE WMO-SCADA Upgrade dan Modification StudyScada and Automation SystemPertamina PHE
2015Intan Data AcquisitionScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2015Belanak EDG UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2015WNTS Data Online Monitoring ServicesScada and Automation SystemStar Energy
2015PCC UpgradeScada and Automation SystemAprilAsia
2015Pengadaan Program Pembangunan dan Implementasi Sistem Operasi Terpadu (SOT) Asset Lifecycle Management Berbasis SOT Common Framework (CF)Production Data Management SystemSKK Migas
2015Pengadaan Enhancement SOT – Pembuatan Sistem Handheld SOTProduction Data Management SystemSKK Migas
2015Study pre-FEED Fasilitas Produksi Permukaan Pengembangan Lapangan KinantiEnergy Design and StudyPasir Oil
2015Update P&ID North Belut FacilityEnergy Design and StudyConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2015RBI RCMMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT. Chevron Paci?c Indonesia
2015Support to Tiara Jaya Tunggal Mandiri for “O?shore CCTV Maintenance Service – Conoco Phillips Indonesia”Maintenance ServiceTiara Jaya Tunggal Mandiri
2015Support to Suplintama Maju Semesta for “Sieger-Honeywell Fire & Gas System Maintenance Services – Conoco Phillips Indonesia”Maintenance ServiceSuplintama Maju Semesta
2015Support to Transavia Otomasi Pratama for AllenBradley PLC MaintenanceMaintenance ServiceConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2015Pengembangan Sistem Penentuan GHV OnlinePipeline Management System (PMS)PGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2015Implementasi SMP (Security Master Plan) Tahap 2Integrated SecurityPT. Badak NGL
2015Automatic Identification System (AIS) Vessel Tracking Survey, Assessment and WorkshopIntegrated SecurityConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2015Assessment of control system or sub system installed at Belanak's facilities for ISPS Compliances and Integrated SecurityIntegrated SecurityConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Experion HMI Modfication of F&G of GECScada and Automation SystemPT Wifgasindo Dinamika Intrument Engineering
2016HT Deploy WNTS Export CalculatorScada and Automation SystemPT Transavia Otomasi Pratama
2016Installation and Configuration Wonderware in Touch on Spare ComputerScada and Automation SystemPT Metalindo Bumi Raya
2016Re-Engineering HMI and Flow comnp OMNI 6000Scada and Automation SystemPT Media Karya Sentosa
2016PCC Automation System Maint and SupportScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Belanak Turbomachinery PLC upgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for SAAB Troubleshooting at FPSO BelanakScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Onshore Software ModificationScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Onshore Historian Tag UpgradingScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering service for Hangtuah DMZ MaintenanceScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Belanak Emergency Generator UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Hangtuah Turbine UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Belida TGA & TGB Hmi UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Engineering Service for Programming, Configuration and FATScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Wonderware, Upg, InTouch 2014R2 Runtime 60K Tag with I/OScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2016Assesment Scada PGN RTScada and Automation SystemPT PGAS Telekomunikasi Indonesia
2016Order Pekerjaan Pengadaan Simulator KIT dan Traning Siemens PLC S7Scada and Automation SystemPT PGAS Telekomunikasi Indonesia
2016Provision of Noise Study at Gajah Baru PlatformEnergy Design and StudyPT. Premier Oil Natuna Sea/Tuna B.V.
2016RCM Engineering ServiceMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT. Catur Elang Perkasa
2016Implementasi Reliability Control ProgramMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2016RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) Study for Joint Operating Body (JOB) Pertamina-Medco E&P Tomori SulawesiMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementJOB Pertamina-Medco E&P Tomori Sulawesi
2016WNTS Data Online Monitoring services for three 3 MounthPipeline Management System (PMS)PT Star Energy (KAKAP) LTD
2016Pengembangan Sistem Penentuan GHV Harian Berbasis Simulasi PGN Regional Distribusi IIPipeline Management System (PMS)PT PGAS Telekomunikasi Indonesia
2017Additional Engineering Service for WHCP Belanak InstallationScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2017Program Pelatihan Risk Based Inspection (RBI) for RefineryScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd
2017Software, License, HoneyWell Inc, MTKOPCAMR001, Matrikon OPC Server,For SCADA Omni FlowScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd
2017Upgrade Scada SystemScada and Automation SystemPT Indo Kordsa Tbk
2017Call-Out Engineer Jakarta OfficeProduction Data Management SystemPEARLOIL (SEBUKU) LTD
2017Asset Management Maturity MappingMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT Mahadaya Pradhana Sejahtera
2017Program Pelatihan Risk Based Inspection (RBI) for RefineryMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT Pertamina (Persero)
2017Konsultasi Pengembahan Aplikasi Network Intellegence for Market Optimization (NIMO)Pipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2017Pekerjaan Pengembangan Sistem Perhitungan Taksasi dengan Historical ProfilingPipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2017Jasa Aplikasi Network Intervention Management System (NIMS)Pipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2018NYP Flake Silo for Electric Instrument Installation & IntegrationScada and Automation SystemPT Indo Kordsa Polyester
2018Service for Configure Backup server Data Concentrator for CPU TAKSScada and Automation SystemPT Indo Kordsa Polyester
2018OPC Cogent UA (ADDUA License)Scada and Automation SystemPT Indo Kordsa Polyester
2018PLC Infrastructure, supply and Install (PR 2013 continuation)Scada and Automation SystemPT Indo Kordsa Polyester
2018Development VMWARE for FTViewScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Emonitor Installation and ConfigurationScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Accessories Panel Installation and ConfigurationScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Customized Cable (Substitution for Cable 1756-CPR)Scada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Hang Tuah EDG UpgradeScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Upgrade HMI & PLC Kerisi & North Belut FieldScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Additional Works for Hang Tuah Train 2Scada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018PCC Automation System Maintenance and Support (1-Jan-18 until 31-Mar-18)Scada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Upgrade PLC of Pelleting and Pneumatic Conveying System LLDPEScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Pembaharuan (Upgrade) Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat Untuk PLTA TangkaScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2018Pembaharuan (Upgrade) Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat untuk PLTM SEGARA, PLTM SILAU 2, PLTM LEBAK BARANG dan PLTM TUNDUNScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2018Pembaharuan (Upgrade) Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat Untuk PLTM CikasoScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2018Engineering & Maintenance Services For Instrumentation and Automation SystemScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2018Pembaharuan (Upgrade) Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat untuk PLTM SEGARA, PLTM SILAU 2, PLTM LEBAK BARANG dan PLTM TUNDUNScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2018Pengadaan Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terupusat Untuk PLTA TangkaScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2018Jasa Pembuatan dan Pemutahiran Dokumen Acuan Kerja dan Harga Satuan Center of Technical ExcellenceProduction Data Management SystemPT. Solusi Energy Nusantara
2018Jasa Pendukung untuk Aplikasi Pterotechnical dan Manajemen Data/ Petrotechnical Application Support and Data Management ServiceProduction Data Management SystemBp Berau Ltd
2018Oracle EAM Reconfiguration – PT. Perusahaan Gas NegaraMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT Teknologi Anak Bangsa
2018Hang Tuah DMZ Maintenance (July 2018)Maintenance ServiceConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Hang Tuah DMZ Maintenance (February 2018)Maintenance ServiceConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2018Jasa Konsultasi Hydraulic Calculation for PANCAPipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2018Jasa Peningkatan Fungsi Sistem Penentuan Nilai Kalor Gas Harian Dengan Gas Quality TrackingPipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2018Jasa Pembuatan dan Pemutahiran Dokumen Acuan Kerja dan Harga Satuan Center of Technical ExcellenceCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT. Solusi Energy Nusantara
2018Windows GB Noise Rectification UPVC Windows 950x7Noise StudyPremierOil
2019Flowboss S600 Report Editor (SCRIPT) SoftwareScada and Automation SystemHusky – CNOOC Madura Limited
2019Pengadaan Sistem Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) untuk PLTM Tanjung TirtaScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2019Pemeliharaan Fungsi Gas System Simulation (NIMO dan Gas Quality Tracking)Pipeline Management System (PMS)PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk
2019Pengadaan Sistem Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Mirroring untuk PLTA Krueng IsepScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2019Purchase Redundancy Flow Comp for GMSScada and Automation SystemHCML
2019Automation Modifikasi PLC Big Bag PackingScada and Automation SystemDover Chemichal
2019Pengadaan Sistem Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) untuk PLTM Tanjung TirtaScada and Automation SystemPT. MTIGA Power Management
2019Purchase Flowboss S600 Report Editor (SCRIPT) SoftwareScada and Automation SystemHCML
2019Installation of EmonitorScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2019Engineering Sevices (HT EDG Upgrade)Scada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2019Pembaharuan (Upgrade) Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat untuk PLTM CikasoScada and Automation SystemPT.MTIGA Power Management
2019Pembaharuan (Upgrade) Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat untuk PLTM Segara, PLTM Silau 2, PLTM Lebak Barang dan PLTM Lebak TundunScada and Automation SystemPT.MTIGA Power Management
2019Sistem Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Terpusat untuk PLTA TangkaScada and Automation SystemPT.MTIGA Power Management
2019Sistem Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Mirroring untuk PLTA Tanjung TirtaScada and Automation SystemPT.MTIGA Power Management
2019HMI Modification ServicesScada and Automation SystemPT.MTIGA Power Management
2019Oracle EAM Reconfiguration in Asset Management Implementation – Stage One Business Unit InfrastuctureMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2019Asses Integrity Management System (AIMS) GAP Assessment Petrochine JabungMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPetrochina - Jabung
2019Provision of Failure Analysis Study (LAPI)Maintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementEni Muara Bakau B.V
2019Jasa Pembuatan dan Pemutahiran Dokumen Acuan Kerja dan Harga Satuan Center of Technical ExcellenceCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2019Conoco-Instrument Specialist for Maint Support ServiceMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPT.IndoKomas Buana Perkasa
2019Instalasi PowerMeterScada and Automation SystemKalbe Morinaga Indonesia
2019Purchase License Upgrade in Touch Runtime 60KScada and Automation SystemHusky-CNOOC Madura Limited
2019Jasa Konsultasi Hydraulic Calculation for PANCACustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2019Material and Installation for SILO PLC ModificationScada and Automation SystemPT. Indo Kordsa Polyster
2019Engineering Services HDPEScada and Automation SystemCAP (PT Chandra Asri Petro)
2019Asset Register and Risk ManagementCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPHE-OSES
2019Training OPCScada and Automation SystemPGN - Perusahaan Gas Negara
2019Training Scada SecurityScada and Automation SystemBSSN
2019Training WeibullMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementChevron Pasific Indonesia
2019Alarm Rationalization on DCS DayungScada and Automation SystemMEPN
2019Provision of Alarm Management SystemScada and Automation SystemEni Muara Bakau B.V
2019Provision of MMS Maturity StudyMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementMaintenance, Safety and Risk Management
2020Implementation Of HMI Report Modificatiaon ( Husky - CNOOC Madura Limited)Scada and Automation SystemHCML
2020Pemeliharaan Aplikasi Network Intelligence For Market Optimization (NIMO)Scada and Automation SystemPT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)
2020Online Training - OSI PI SystemScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2020Maintenance Sistem Taksasi & Gas Quality Tracking Scada and Automation SystemPT. Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)
2020Reliability, Availability, Maintainability AND SAFETY STUDY PETROCHINA JABUNGMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementPetrochina Jabung
2020Engineering Services Alarm Rationalization on DCS DayungScada and Automation SystemConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd
2020Engineering Services Hang Tuah DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)Scada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2020Call Out Maintenance: OsiSoft PI StarEnergy (Salak & Darajat)Scada and Automation SystemPusindo/ Star Energy
2020Engineering Services for North Belut GTC Roll RoyceScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2020DEVELOPMENT OF SUBAN PIMSScada and Automation SystemConocophillips Indonesia Inc ltd
2020INSTALL, OPC SERVER, CONNECT TO DCSScada and Automation SystemPT Indah Kiat /Sinarmas
2020Upgrade HMI Server GelamScada and Automation SystemConocophillips Indonesia Inc ltd
2020 SUBAN FT HISTORIANScada and Automation SystemConocophillips Indonesia Inc ltd
2020RBI Promia for PHRCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentLEMTEK UI/PHR
2021RETROVIT PACKAGE SYSTEM SLC HTScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2021UPGRADE OF PCC DATA SERVERScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2021Upgrade Hangtuah SSSScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2021Upgrade Plantpax HMI, FT Historian & FTAC Dayung, Sumpal & GelamScada and Automation SystemConoco Phillips Grisik Limited
2021Upgrade PI System GrissikScada and Automation SystemConoco Phillips Grisik Limited
2021DEVELOPMENT OF SUBAN TMMSScada and Automation SystemConoco Phillips Grisik Limited
2021Jasa Perform Workshop Integrasi SCADA - DCS PGE Area UlubeluScada and Automation SystemPertamina Geothermal Energy
2021PGE Command Center StudyScada and Automation SystemPertamina Geothermal Energy
2021Project Operator Traffic Controller (OTC) TBB Factory CikarangScada and Automation SystemUnilever Indonesia
2021Upgrade Grissik MeteringScada and Automation SystemConoco Phillips Grisik Limited
2021Implementasi Software EMS & ReportCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPapandayan Cocoa Industries
2021New Software Development for Energy Monitoring in Indokordsa with web basedCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT Indo Kordsa Tbk
2021Pemeliharaan Aplikasi Network Intelegence for Market Optimization (NIMO)Custom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPerusahaan Gas Negara
2021MSI Replacement Study-Phase 2 (Oppinet ITB)Custom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentMedco E&P Indonesia
2021Peningkatan Fungsi Aplikasi Taksasi & Managed Services Sistem Gas Quality Tracking Tahun 2021 Custom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPerusahaan Gas Negara
2021PCC Automation System Maintenance and Support (Jul 2021 - Jul 2022)Scada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2021Provision of Maintenance Management System (MMS) Improvement and ImplementationMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementMubadala Petroleum
2021Project Machine InterfaceScada and Automation SystemPT Lucky Print Abadi
2021Assisting MPPI Engineer for process data gatewayScada and Automation SystemBumi Suksesindo Copper And Gold
2021Engineering Consultant for Audit MaintenanceMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementAgincourt Resources
2021Engineering Services for Troubleshooting Toshiba OPC – PI ServerScada and Automation SystemCirebon Power
2021Pembangunan Sistem Informasi Data Analytic Produksi dan Lifting Minyak Sebagai Implementasi Prototyping Big Data Analytic di SKK MIGASCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentSKK Migas
2021PLC SM1,2,3 NETWORK & PLC MODIFICATION SYSTEMScada and Automation SystemPT Indo Kordsa Tbk
2021AFRAS - Control Performance - Hang Tuah & BelidaCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentMedco E&P Indonesia
2021Alarm Managemen System for FPU ENI Muara Bakau B.VCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentEni Muara Bakau B.V
2021PEKERJAAN JASA PEMBUATAN DOC FUNCTION SYSTEMScada and Automation SystemPPG Caoting Indonesia
2021WNTS ORF HIPPS SIL Verification StudyMaintenance, Safety and Risk ManagementMedco E&P Indonesia
2021ATG at BarakudaScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Indonesia
2021Jasa Assessment PLC Allen Bradley Unit 1&2 dan Integrasi Unit 3&4Scada and Automation SystemPertamina Geothermal Energy
2022Project Operator Traffic Controller (OTC) TBB Factory CikarangScada and Automation SystemUnilever Tbk
2022OPP Process Control Upgrade (SCADA)Scada and Automation SystemPT. Bumi Sukesindo
2022Retrovit Package System SLC HTScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Upgrade Of PCC Data ServerScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Engineering Service Programming And Installation PC & HMI Cikarang ListrindoScada and Automation SystemPT Cikarang Listrindo Tbk (Cikarang Listrindo)
2022Engineering Service Suban EarlyScada and Automation SystemConocophillips Indonesia Inc ltd
2022HT SSSScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Engineering Service for Suban TMMS Installation and ConfigurationScada and Automation SystemConocophillips Indonesia Inc ltd
2022Jasa Konsultasi Pendampingan Proyek Retrofit DCS System PLTP DiengProduction Data Management SystemPT. Geo Dipa Energi Unit Dieng
2022Pengadaan Jasa Kajian Pengembangan Command Center PT PGEProduction Data Management SystemPT. Pertamina Geothermal
2022Pekerjaan Jasa Pembuatan DocProduction Data Management SystemPT PPG Coating Indonesia
2022Provision of Alarm Management System For FPUCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentEni Muara Bakau B.V
2022PM HangtuahScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Development of PI SystemCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT. Agincourt Resources
2022Data Acquisition Service for MDA - MBH and MACScada and Automation SystemHusky CNOOC Madura Ltd
2022Interfacing Barcode to MC ArioliCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentLucky Print Abadi
2022Upgrade Scada PES Line 1Scada and Automation SystemPT. Indokordsa Polyster
2022HMI Modification for Conveyor InformationScada and Automation SystemUnilever Tbk
2022Unil SIL Calculation / Verification of actuated shutdown valve (8 EA) For Medco Belida ProjectScada and Automation SystemPT. Control System
2022Dasboard PolysterCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentIndokordsa Polyster
2022Training PI System and PI IntegratorNoise StudyStar Energy
2022Provision of Osisoft PI Software Reliance program and call out maintenance support (Drajat)Scada and Automation SystemStar Energy
2022CAPEX Mandala KepwareCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentUnilever Tbk
2022Development Smart CityCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentITB
2022Troubleshoot Hangtuah RefrigScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Provision of Osisoft PI Software Reliance program and call out maintenance support (salak)Scada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Refrig BelidaScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022DMZ HangtuahScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Training OPCNoise StudyPT Shimano Batam
2022Implementasi Data Analytics di SKK MigasCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentSKK Migas
2022Engineering Services for Gelam FC HMI ServerScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022PEMELIHARAAN APLIKASI NETWORK INTELLIGENCE FOR MARKET OPTIMIZATION (NIMO)Custom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT. Perusahaan Gas Negara
2022Engineering ServiceScada and Automation SystemPT. Agincourt Resouces
2022Engineering Service CompactLogix ConfigScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Wonderware UpgradeCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentHusky CNOOC Madura Ltd
2022Kepware EMSCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentPT Givaudan Indonesia
2022Development Of PIVISIONCustom Solution, IT, and Application DevelopmentMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022Grisik Metering System Integration Domain Controller and HistorianScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2022OTC System Modification for EOL and Cermex False StateScada and Automation SystemUnilever Tbk
2022TaksasiScada and Automation SystemPT Perusahaan Gas Negara
2023Upgrade SCADA PGE UBL 1 dan 2Scada and Automation SystemPertamina Geothermal
2023Implementation Automation System in DouUp GoldScada and Automation SystemJresource
2023OSI PI for Graphic Development, PI Vision and Service - Upgrade OSI PI SystemScada and Automation SystemPT Tripatra Engineer
2023Integration of Bronang / HangtuahScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2023Cable Installation, Commisioning Controllogix SCADAScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2023Preventive Maintenance DMZ HangtuahScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2023Implementation DFOS System Line B14Scada and Automation SystemPT Unilever
2023Training OSI PIScada and Automation SystemPT Pertamina
2023PLC & HMI Upgrade Air DryerScada and Automation SystemPT. Medco Energy
2023Kepware Data LoggerScada and Automation SystemPT. Semen Indonesia
2023Kepware Data LoggerScada and Automation SystemPT. Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk.
2023Kepware OPC Server & advance tagScada and Automation SystemPT. Henkel Adhesive Technologies
2024Kepware Installation and ConfigScada and Automation SystemPT. Givaudan Indonesia
2024Interfacing MachineScada and Automation SystemPT. Lucky Print Abadi
2024Upgrade Version of Production Data Management System and Migration DatabseScada and Automation SystemHusky CNOOC Madura Ltd.
2024PI Web APIScada and Automation SystemPT. Indokordsa Tbk
2024Upgrade PLC NYP CCR PLC YoungScada and Automation SystemPT. Indokordsa Tbk
2024Additional Configuration of HMI and IO - Doup Project JresourceScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2024PLC ProgramScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2024Belanak Air DryerScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2024TMMX (Machine Learning)Scada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2024Engineering Servies for Modifikasi PLC NYPScada and Automation SystemMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2025Dashboard LiquidScada and Automation SystemUnilever Tbk
2025Dashboard SavoryScada and Automation SystemUnilever Tbk
2025Power Meter Untuk Monitoring Konsumsi Energi Listrik Plant RancaekekScada and Automation SystemPT. Nabati
2025DMZ MaintenanceMaintenance ServiceMedco E&P Natuna Ltd
2025Reconfiguration PI Server & Data ValidationScada and Automation SystemPT. Agincourt Resources
2025Fabrication and Maintenance Call Out ServiceMaintenance ServicePT Atamora Tehnik Makmur

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