The demand on high-quality power supply is growing very fast in the recent years. Though power engineers have working relentlessly to improve the quality, economic considerations will not allow to design a bullet proof power system. In deregulated era, power quality has become an important issue. Unfortunately, quality is a qualitative and subjective issue that is difficult to quantify. A good quality for one consumer may not be considered also as a good quality for other consumers. Degradations of power quality are usually caused by various disturbances such as:
- lightning strikes,
- short-circuits,
- equipment damages,
- load fluctuations,
- load unbalances, and
- Nonlinear loads.
For utility companies, switching operations are usually considered as normal operations so they are not considered as disturbances. For customers, however, switching operations are usually considered as disturbances. For customers, the followings are usually considered as disturbances:
- voltage dip,
- voltage fluctuations,
- voltage unbalances,
- short interruptions, and
- non sinusoidal voltages.
For customers, non-sinusoidal currents are not considered as disturbances. For utility, non sinusoidal currents are considered as disturbances and may cause overheating on cables and transformers. For customers, voltage dips are considered as disturbances. Many industries will suffer from major losses when the voltage is suddenly dropped for a very short time.
A new power quality problem that is going to be important is harmonics. Harmonic problem is getting important because of proliferation of using power electronics to save energy and automation. This problem is also amplified by the recent increase of using shunt capacitors to improve the power factor.
For utility companies, low power quality will:
– increase the power losses on cable and transformers,
– disturb the measurement and protection system,
– telecommunication interference, and
– degrading company image.
Various methods and equipment have been devised to improve the power quality. Unfortunately, no general method nor single equipment that can be used to attack all of the problems. Every problem is unique.
This short course is intended to introduce the power quality problems and how to solve it.
Course Outline
1) Introduction
- What is power quality
- What is voltage quality
2) Definition and Terms
- Power quality
- Power quality according to IEEE and IEC
- Several common definitions and terms
- CBEMA and ITI curves
3) Voltage dips and short interruption
- Voltage disturbances
- Estimating voltage dips
- Mitigation techniques
4) Momentary over voltages
- Momentary overvoltage problems
- Mitigation techniques
5) Harmonics
- Harmonic sources
- Harmonic effects on electrical equipment
- How to reduce harmonics
- Harmonic standards
6) Filtering
- Passive filters
- Active filters
- Hybrid filters
Recommended Prerequisite
Knowledge in Electrical, power monitoring
What would you get?
Certificate, USB Flash-drive containing training material, Notebook, Documentation, Lunch and refreshment
Who should attend?
Electrical and Maintenance Engineers
4 Days
Course Agenda
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