Engineering & Maintenance Services for Instrumentation and Automation System

Project Name : Engineering & Maintenance Services for Instrumentation and Automation System

Client/End User : ConocoPhillips Indonesia

Year : 2014-2017



As part of ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s maintenance program to ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s facilities to ensure continuos and uninterrupted of supply to be commited under Sales Agreement, ConocoPhillips Indonesia Intends to develop Long Terms Services Contract (LTSA)for specialized engineering services in the area of instrumentation and process automation to support its production operations located in various offshore and onshore operating blocks.


Scope of Work

ConocoPhillips Indonesia requires specialized services in instrumentation and process automation and intends to establish a blanket call-out contract that will be used to support ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s onshore and offshore based operations activities. This Work will be performed under the guidance and direction of ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s Instrumentation and Control Systems Engineers.


The broad areas of activities shall include but not limited to the following:

  1. Instrumentation and control systems maintenance, troubleshooting, and modification;
  2. Automation and control system integration
  3. Automation and control system maintenance, development and modification
  4. Enhancement study for automation and control system
  5. Systems documentation &document verification/ update;
  6. Creating or updating manuals/ procedures;
  7. Assessment of existing control systems and recommendations for the improvement/ enhancement;
  8. Developing and conducting training programs for ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s personnel;
  9. Safety Integrity Level (SIL) verification;
  10. Custom interface and application software development, implementation, and maintenance;
  11. Alarm management system development and maintenance;
  12. Asset performance indicators definition and development;
  13. Design review and verification;
  14. Data analysis, data reconciliation / validation and optimization system development;
  15. Data tags tracing, mapping and documentation;
  16. Inspection and test witnessing;
  17. Process control network compliance audit &gap rectification;
  18. Replacement/ revamp/ new control systems design;
  19. Third-Party automation software installation, upgrade, modification;
  20. Real time process optimization.
  21. Enterprise integration system


ConocoPhillips Indonesia has a large installed base of instrumentation and control systems in its offshore and onshore operations. These control components/systems range from basic pneumatic/hydraulic local controls to advanced integrated microprocessor/PLC/DCS based systems.


Contractor shall perform the work at ConocoPhillips Indonesia’s office in Jakarta. However, the work may require site visits to ConocoPhillips Indonesia offshore and onshore production facilities as mentions below or other locations:

  1. Onshore areas : Grissik Central Gas Processing Plant, Suban-1 and Suban-2 Gas Processing Plant, Dayung and Sumpal Gas Gathering Stations, Gelam Gas Gathering Station, Letang/Tengah Gas Gathering Station, Supat and Rawa Oil Field, Puyuh Oil Field, Keban Oil Field, RebonJaro, Oil Barge Operation, Pipeline ROW
  2. Offshore area :
    • Block B Eastern Hub Operations (EHO): Belanak, Hiu/Kerisi and North Belut located at West Natuna – South China Sea, Indonesia.
    • Block B Western Hub Operations (WHO): Belida, Hang Tuah and Matak located at West Natuna – South China Sea, Indonesia.




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